
by AdminBioMat

Dr. Miriam Boyer

Position: Project Leader
Phone: +(49)-(0)30-20 93-46 327
Email: miriam.boyer(at)

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)

Research Interests

Nature-society theories; agricultural biotechnologies; economic valuation of nature; politics of food and agriculture; environmental conflicts; Mexico and Latin America


Work Experience and Education

 • Post-doctoral Researcher, ‘Global Valuation of Nature and Social Inequalities’, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, 2014-2017
 Ph.D., Sociology summa cum laude, 2014, Columbia University and Freie Universität Berlin
 Elsa-Naumann Dissertation Fellowship of the Federal State of Berlin, 2012-2013
 National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship, Columbia University, 2009-2012
 National Science Foundation, Integrative Graduate Education and Research Trainee Fellowship, Columbia University
 Coordination of Global Seed Campaign, La Vía Campesina, 2007-2014


Peer reviewed journals

• Boyer, Miriam, Franziska Kusche, Sarah Hackfort, Louisa Prause and Friederike Engelbrecht-Bock (2022): The making of sustainability: ideological strategies, the materiality of nature, and biomass use in the bioeconomy, in: Sustainability Science.
• Friedrich, Beate, Sarah Hackfort, Miriam Boyer and Daniela Gottschlich (2019): Conflicts over GMOs and their Contribution to Food Democracy, in: Politics and Governance 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 165–177.

Book chapters

• Boyer, Miriam (2022): “Biodiversität.” In Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt und Uta von Winterfeld, ed., Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. transcript, Bielefeld.
• Boyer, Miriam, Sarah Hackfort (2022): “Materialität der Natur.” In Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt und Uta von Winterfeld, ed., Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. transcript, Bielefeld.
• Boyer, Miriam (2019): „‘Grüne’ Strategien und der Streit um die Kontrolle natürlicher Ressourcen.” In Schmalz, Stefan and Ramírez, Martín, Extraktivismus. Lateinamerika nach dem Ende des Rostoffbooms. Oekom, München.
• Boyer, Miriam (2014): “Molecular Biotechnologies and Agriculture: Insights on Production through the Lens of Reproduction.” In van der Pijl, ed., Handbook of International Political Economy of Production. Elgar, London.

Other publications

• Boyer, Miriam (2015): Nature Materialities and Economic Valuation: Conceptual Perspectives and their Relevance for the Study of Social Inequalities. Working Paper Series, Ibero-American Institute, Berlin




Dr. Miriam Boyer

Project Leader

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Dr. Sarah Hackfort

Position: Project Leader
Phone: +(49)-(0)30-20 93-46 327
Email: sarah.hackfort(at)

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)


Research Interests

Sustainability Science, Futures Research, New Technologies, Democracy and Society, Politics of Food and Agriculture, Feminist Theory, Political Ecology, Bioeconomy


Work Experience and Education

• Senior Researcher at IZT – Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment gGmbH in Berlin (since 2014)
• Head of Research Sustainability and Transformation at IZT – Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment gGmbH in Berlin (2015-2019)
• Lecturer at Free University Berlin, Master Future Studies (since 2015)
• Research Assistant at Free University of Berlin, Department of Geography (2014)
• PhD in Economics and Social Sciences at Kassel University (2014), funded by Heinrich Böll Foundation
• Scientific Assistant at Kassel University (2013), Competence Centre for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation CliMA (2011-2012)
• Research assistant at Kassel University, Department of Electrical Engineering, (2008-2010)
• Master of Political Science at Kassel University and Rutgers State University, New Jersey, USA (2002-2008)


Selected Publications


Peer Reviewed

• Hackfort, S., & Saave, A. (2024). Toward a caring and (re)productive bioeconomy? A feminist analysis of socio-technical innovations and sustainability shortcomings. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20(1).
• Hackfort, S. (2023). Unlocking sustainability? The power of corporate lock-ins and how they shape digital agriculture in Germany. Journal of Rural Studies, 101, 103065.
• Hackfort, Sarah (2021): “Patterns of Inequalities in Digital Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review”, in: Sustainability 13(22). Doi:
• Boyer, Miriam; Franziska Kusche; Sarah Hackfort; Louisa Prause and Friederike Engelbrecht-Bock (2022): The making of sustainability: ideological strategies, the materiality of nature, and biomass use in the bioeconomy, in: Sustainability Science.
• Prause, Louisa; Hackfort, Sarah and Lindgren, Margit (2020): Digitalization and the third food regime, in: Agriculture and Human Values. Doi:
• Friedrich, Beate; Hackfort, Sarah; Boyer, Miriam and Gottschlich, Daniela (2019): Conflicts over GMOs and their Contribution to Food Democracy, in: Politics and Governance 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 165–177.
• Friedrich, Beate; Hackfort, Sarah K. (2018): Konfliktfeld “neue Gentechnik” – Regulierung landwirtschaftlicher Biotechnologien zwischen Innovation und Vorsorge. In: GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society; Schwerpunkt „Neue Biotechnologien und Landwirtschaft“ (3/2018), 211-215.
• Gottschlich, Daniela; Hackfort, Sarah (2016): Zur Demokratisierung gesellschaftlicher Naturverhältnisse. Und warum die Perspektiven der Politischen Ökologie dafür unverzichtbar sind, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Jg. 57/H. 2, 300-322.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen (2016): Analyzing Socio-ecological Transformations – a Relational Approach to Gender and Climate Adaptation, in: Critical Policy Studies, 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2016.1191363
• Hackfort, Sarah (2014): Für eine Feministische Politische Ökologie des Klimawandels – Überlegungen zu einer erweiterten Analyseperspektive auf Geschlecht und Anpassung, in: PROKLA 174/1, 93-110.

• Hackfort, Sarah; Kubitza, Christoph; Arnold Opiyo; Anne Musotsi, Susanne Huyskens-Keil (2023): African Indigenous Vegetables, Gender, and the Political Economy of Commercialization in Kenya. Agriculture and Human Values. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-023-10498-4

Monographs, Books and Studies

• Gottschlich, Daniela ; Sarah Hackfort; Tobias Schmitt; Uta von Winterfeld (2022): Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. Bielefeld: transcript.
• Hirschnitz-Garbers, Martin; Sarah Hackfort; Jakob Zwiers; Michael Schipperges (2020): Methodentriangulation zur Ermittlung und Bewertung von gesellschaftlichen Trends und ressourcenpolitischen Maßnahmen. Teilbericht aus dem Trendradar-Projekt. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Jakob Zwiers; Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers; Michael Schipperges (2019): Die Zukunft im Blick: Sozio-ökonomische und sozio-kulturelle Trends der Ressourcenschonung. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Melanie Degel; Edgar Göll; Kai Neumann (2019): Die Zukunft im Blick: Technologie-Trends im Nexus von Ressourceneffizienz und Klimaschutz. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt.
• Degel, Melanie; Hackfort, Sarah (2017): Energieeffiziente Dienstleistungen von Stadtwerken als Beitrag zum kommunalen Klimaschutz. Kurzstudie. Berlin: IZT – Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung (IZT-Text, 2-2017)
• Hackfort, Sarah K. (2015): Klimawandel und Geschlecht – Zur politischen Ökologie der Anpassung in Mexiko, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Book Chapters

• Gottschlich, Daniela; Hackfort, Sarah; Schmitt, Tobias; von Winterfeld, Uta (2022): “Was sind das für Zeiten…?” In Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt und Uta von Winterfeld, ed., Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. transcript, Bielefeld.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Gottschlich, Daniela (2022): “Care.” In Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt und Uta von Winterfeld, ed., Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. transcript, Bielefeld.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Friedrich, Beate; Daniela Gottschlich (2022): “Konflikte um (neue) Gentechnologien in der Landwirtschaft.” In Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt und Uta von Winterfeld, ed., Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. transcript, Bielefeld.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Boyer, Miriam (2022): “Materialität der Natur.” In Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt und Uta von Winterfeld, ed., Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. transcript, Bielefeld.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Gottschlich, Daniela (2019): Green Economy, in: Claudia von Braunmühl/Heide Gerstenberger/Ralf Ptak/Christa Wichterich (Hrsg.) ABC der globalen (Un)Ordnung. Von »Anthropozän« bis »Zivilgesellschaft«, 110-111.
• Gottschlich, Daniela; Hackfort, Sarah K. (2016): Demokratisierung gesellschaftlicher Naturverhältnisse im Spannungsfeld von Politisierungs- und Entpolitisierungsprozessen, in: Michael Brie, Rolf Reißig, Michael Thomas (Hg.): Transformation. Suchprozesse in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Reihe: Texte aus dem Brandenburg-Berliner Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien (BISS e.V.) Bd. 4,  225-256.
• Hackfort, Sarah (2015): Bioökonomie. In: Bauriedl, Sybille (Hg.): Wörterbuch Klimadebatte. Bielefeldt: Transcript Verlag, 37-42.
• Bauriedl, Sybille; Hackfort, Sarah K. (2015): Geschlechtsspezifische Verwundbarkeit, in: Sybille Bauriedl (Hg.): Wörterbuch Klimadebatte, Transcript Verlag, 95-102.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen (2013): Geschlecht und Klimawandel – Feministische Perspektiven auf Verwundbarkeit in Chiapas, Mexiko, in: Dietz, Kristina; Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen; Öhlschläger, Reinhard: Umwelt und Entwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert. Perspektiven auf Lateinamerika. Baden Baden: Nomos, 151-164.

Other Publications

• Hackfort, Sarah (2019): Rezension. Daniela Gottschlich, 2017: Kommende Nachhaltigkeit. Nachhaltige Entwicklung aus kritisch-emanzipatorischer Perspektive, in: Gender. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 159-161.
• Baasch, Stefanie, Anke Blöbaum, Sybille Bauriedl, Paul Endrejat, Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Jan Hildebrandt, Sigrid Kannengießer, Jörg Radtke, Ines Weller (2019): Positionspapier zum Einsatz partizipativer Verfahren in Nachhaltigkeits- und Transformationsstudien. Empfehlungen aus der interdisziplinären Partizipationsforschung. Veröffentl. Februar 2019,
• Degel, Melanie; Hackfort, Sarah (2017): Energieeffiziente Dienstleistungen von Stadtwerken als Beitrag zum kommunalen Klimaschutz. Kurzstudie. Berlin: IZT – Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung (IZT-Text, 2-2017).
• Degel, Melanie; Hackfort, Sarah; Oertel, Britta (2017): Energieeffiziente Dienstleistungen. Starke Handwerkerinnen. In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften 31 (4),  40-45.
• Hackfort, Sarah (2017): Care als sozial-ökologisches Transformationsprinzip, in: Sozial-ökologische Transformation. ksoe – Dossier der Katholischen Sozialakademie.
• Gottschlich, Daniela; Hackfort, Sarah K.; Segebart, Dörte (2015): Hoffnungsträger Green Economy? Impulse aus der Feministischen Sozial-ökologischen Ökonomik. In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften Jahrgang 30 (Nr.2), 30-35.
• Hackfort, Sarah; Röhr, Ulrike (2014): Die blinden Flecken ausleuchten. Gender und Sorgearbeit in Wissenschaft und Unternehmen, in: Politische Ökologie 139 – Internationale Klimapolitik, München: Oekom Verlag, 140-143.
• Gottschlich, Daniela; Roth, Stephanie; Röhr, Ulrike; Hackfort, Sarah K.; Segebart, Dörte; König, Claudia; Härtel, Annika (2014): Doing Sustainable Economy at the Crossroads of Gender, Care and the Green Economy. Debates – Common Ground – Blind Spots. Berlin, Lüneburg. (CaGE Texts, 4).

Dr. Sarah Hackfort

Project Leader

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Dr. Juliane Schumacher

Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email: juliane.schumacher(at)

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)


Research Interests

Political Ecology, Nature-Society Relations, Economic Geography, Science and technology studies, Climate Change, Climate Justice


Research and Teaching Experience

Member of the research unit ‘Environment & Justice’, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin (2020-2024)

Member of the research unit ‘Politics of Resources’, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin (2014 – 2019)

Lecturer at University of Potsdam and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (since 2014)


Professional Experience

Fulltime news editor, taz, die tageszeitung, Berlin (2011-2014)

Correspondent and author, Cairo, Egypt (2011)

Freelance journalist, author and consultant (since 2007)



PhD, Economic and Social Geography, University of Potsdam (2021)

M.Sc. Geoecology, University of Potsdam (2013)

M.A. in Political Science and Philosophy, University of Potsdam (2009)



Andrea von Braun-Stiftung, Research Grant (2020-2021)

Dissertation Scholarship, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (2014-2018)

Scholarship, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (2001-2009)


Recent Publications



Schumacher, J.: Die Regierung des Waldes. Klimawandel, Kohlenstoffmärkte und neoliberale Naturen in Marokko. Bielefeld, Transcript, 2022.



Lange, K., Schumacher, J. (2024): Appropriations, Representations, Productions: Engagements with “Nature” in the Middle East and North Africa since the 19th Century. Arab Studies Journal XXXII, 8-14.

Schumacher, J./Hilbrandt, H. (2024): Troubling the spatial politics of Green New Deals: Towards a Youngian approach to global justice, Political Geography 108, 103037,

Schumacher, J. (2023): Framing REDD+: political ecology, actor–network theory (ANT), and the making of forest carbon markets. Geographica Helvetica 78, 255–265,


Studies and working paper

Schumacher, J. (2024): Umweltgerechtigkeit – Fragen und Antworten. Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Berlin.

Schumacher, J. (2022): Connected Contradictions. Climate Policy in the Middle East and North Africa“. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin.

Schumacher, J. (2022): Zwischen Sprachen – zur persönlichen Interdisziplinarität, Special Issue. Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität 2/2021. München, Oekom Verlag.

Schumacher, J. (2021): Green New Deals. A big deal for fair climate protection or just the latest version of the capitalist model? An Introduction. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Brussels.


Dr. Juliane Schumacher

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Dr. Johannes Fehrle

Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email: johannes.fehrle(at)

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)

Research Interests
Marxist Theory and Eco Socialism; Automation and Technology; U.S. and Canadian literature and culture; Material Ecocriticism; Interrelation between Cultural Products like Novels, Films, etc. and Politics


Work Experience and Education
• Adjunct Lecturer for American Studies at the University of Basel
• Assistant (Universitätsassistent mit Doktorat) for American Studies at the University of Graz
• Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) for American Studies at the University of Freiburg and University of Mannheim
• Visiting Scholar, University of British Columbia
• Ph.D. in American Studies at the University of Freiburg (summa cum laude)
• Magister Artium (M.A.) at University of Freiburg and Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada in English and American Literature and Modern History


Selected Publications
• (De)automating the Future: Marxist Perspectives on Capitalism and Technology. Ed. with Jesse Ramirez and Marlon Lieber. (edited collection; under review with Brill [Historical Materialism series]).
• “Working the People, Working the Earth: Representing the Exploitation of Humans and the Environment in North American Slave Narratives.” Work: The Labors of Language, Culture, and History. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature. Ed. Sixta Quassdorf and Jesse Ramirez. Tübingen: Narr, 2021. (peer reviewed; accepted; forthcoming)
• “Anthropozän, Kapitalozän und Apokalypse in Margaret Atwoods Oryx and Crake.” [Anthropocene, Capitalocene and Apocalypse in Margaret Atwood’s Orxy and Crake] Literatur und Kapitalismuskritik: Aktuelle Perspektiven. Ed. Annika Gonnerman, Lisa Schwander, and Sina Schuhmaier. Tübingen: Narr, 2021. 189-209.
• Adaptation in the Age of Media Convergence. Ed. with Werner Schäfke. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019 (peer reviewed).
• “‘Zombies Don’t Recognize Borders’: Capitalism, Ecology, and Mobility in the Zombie Outbreak Narrative.” Amerikastudien / American Studies 61.4 (2016): 527-44 (peer reviewed).
• Herausforderung Biologie: Fragen aus der Biologie – Fragen an die Biologie [Biology as a Challenge: Questions Posed by Biology – Questions Posed to Biology]. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2010 (with Rüdiger Heinze and Kerstin Müller).
• “Wissenschaftliche Möglichkeiten und ethische Grenzen: Die Biologie in der gesellschaftlichen Diskussion.” Introduction. Herausforderung Biologie: Fragen aus der Biologie / Fragen an die Biologie. Ed. Johannes Fehrle, Rüdiger Heinze, and Kerstin Müller. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2010. xi – xviii. (with Rüdiger Heinze and Kerstin Müller).

Dr. Johannes Fehrle

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Dr. Cornelius Heimstädt

Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email: cornelius.heimstaedt(at)

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)

Research Interests
Science and technology studies, economic and environmental sociology, valuation studies, critical data studies

Work Experience and Education
Postdoctoral researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) (2022-2023)

Ph.D. at the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI), MINES Paris – PSL (2018-2022)

M.A. in Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna (2016-2018), funded by Heinrich Böll Foundation

B.Sc. in Organic Agriculture and Marketing, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (2013-2016), funded by Heinrich Böll Foundation

Peer-reviewed articles

Heimstädt, C. (2023). Making plant pathology algorithmically recognizable. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-14.

Heimstädt, C. (2023). The exploratory assetization of a crop protection app. Environmental Science & Policy, 140, 242-249.

Burch, K., Gugganig, M., Guthman, J., Reisman, E., Comi, M., Brock, S., … Heimstädt, C., … &
Martin, S. J. (2023). Cultivating intellectual community in academia: Reflections from
the Science and Technology Studies Food and Agriculture Network (STSFAN).
Agriculture and Human Values, 1-9.

Meyer, M., & Heimstädt, C. (2019). The divergent governance of gene editing in agriculture:
A comparison of institutional reports from seven EU member states. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 13(5), 473-482.

Dr. Cornelius Heimstädt

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Dr. Louisa Prause

Position: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Phone: +(49)-(0)30-20 93-46 318
Email: louisa.prause(at)

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)

Research Interests
Socio-ecological transformations, Social struggles and social movements, Global political economy, Land and resource conflicts, Politics of food and agriculture, Political ecology, Bioeconomy.


Work Experience and Education
• Post-doctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin, Junior Research Group GLOCON: „Global change-local conflicts?“(2019)
• Policy Advisor on trade politics for PowerShift e.V. (2019)
• Sustainability Alliance Fellowship at the University of British Colombia, Canada (09/10 2018)
• Visiting PhD at the University of York, UK (03/04 2017)
• Doctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin, Junior Research Group GLOCON: „Global change-local conflicts?“ PhD-project: „Conflicts over land. Protests against agro-industrial and mining projects in Senegal. (2015-2018)
• State of Berlin’s Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship for PhD students (2014-2015)
• Policy Advisor on participation and inclusion for CitizensForEurope e.V. (2011- 2014)
• Master of Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin (2007 – 2012)


Selected Publications

Journal articles
• Prause, Louisa, and Kristina Dietz (2022): Just mobility futures: Challenges for e-mobility transitions from a global perspective. Futures 141. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2022.102987.
• Prause, Louisa (2021): Digital Agriculture and Labor: A Few Challenges for Social Sustainability, in: Sustainability 13: 11.
• Prause, Louisa; Hackfort, Sarah und Lindgren, Margit (2020): Digitalization and the third food regime, in: Agriculture and Human Values.
• Prause, Louisa and LeBillon, Philippe (2020): Struggles for land: Comparing resistance movements against agro-industrial and mining investment projects, in: The Journal of Peasant Studies.
• Prause, Louisa (2019): Success and failure of protest actors’ framing strategies in conflicts over land and mining in Senegal, in: Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 40:3, 387-403 (peer reviewed).
• Prause, Louisa and Wienkoop Nina (2017): Who is responsible for corruption”? Framing strategies of social movements in West Africa mobilizing against presidential term amendments, in: Partecipazione e Conflitto, 10:3, 850-873 (peer reviewed).
• Prause, Louisa (2017): “Die Väter und Väter unserer Väter haben hier Gold abgebaut“: framing in Konflikten um Goldbergbau in Senegal, in: Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen. 30:1, 53-61.
• Prause, Louisa, Hennings, Anne, Engels, Bettina, Dietz, Kristina (2017): Editorial: Natur, Ressourcen, Konflikte: Kämpfe um die globale Inwertsetzung von in: PROKLA, 189, 510-515.
Prause, Louisa (2013): Mit Rap zur Revolte. Die Bewegung Y’en a marre, in: PROKLA, 43: 170, 23-42.

• Prause, Louisa (2020): Konflikte um die Aneignung von Land. Proteste gegen agrarindustrielle Projekte und industrielle Minen im Senegal. Springer VS: Wiesbaden.

Edited Books
• Brunner, Jan; Dobelmann, Anna; Kirst, Sarah and Prause, Louisa (2019): Wörterbuch der Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Transcript: Bielefeld.

Book chapters
• Prause, Louisa; Le Billon, Philippe (2021): Defenders and land struggles against agro-industrial and mining investment projects, in: Environmental Defenders. Deadly Struggles for Life and Territory. Mary Menton and Philippe Le Billon (Eds.) Routledge.
• Prause, Louisa (2020): Conflicts around resource extraction and energy transitions, in: The Material Basis of Energy Transitions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Renewable Energy and Critical Materials. Alena Bleicher & Alexandra Pehlken (Eds.).
• Prause, Louisa and Dietz, Kristina (2020): Die andere Seite des Elektromotors: Konflikte um Rohstoffabbau im Globalen Süden, in: Baustelle Elektromobilität. Sozialwissenschaftliche Perpsektiven auf die Transformation der (Auto-)Mobilität. Achim Brunnengräber & Tobias Haas (Eds.) Transcript: Bielefeld, 329-351.
• Prause, Louisa (2019): Agrarbewegung, in: Wörterbuch der Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Jan Brunner, Anna Dobelmann, Sarah Kirst & Louisa Prause (Eds.) Transcript: Bielefeld, 19-24.
• Prause, Louisa (2019): Kämpfe gegen Enteignung, in: Wörterbuch der Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Jan Brunner, Anna Dobelmann, Sarah Kirst & Louisa Prause (Eds.) Transcript: Bielefeld, 174-179.
• Prause, Louisa and Kirst, Sarah (2019): Landrechte, in: Wörterbuch der Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Jan Brunner, Anna Dobelmann, Sarah Kirst & Louisa Prause (Eds.) Transcript: Bielefeld, 225-231.
• Kirst, Sarah and Prause, Louisa (2019): Lokale Gemeinschaft, in: Wörterbuch der Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Jan Brunner, Anna Dobelmann, Sarah Kirst & Louisa Prause (Eds.) Transcript: Bielefeld, 239-244.
• Prause, Louisa; Kirst, Sarah; Dobelmann, Anna and Brunner, Jan (2019): Einleitung. in: Wörterbuch der Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Jan Brunner, Anna Dobelmann, Sarah Kirst & Louisa Prause (Eds.) Transcript: Bielefeld, 09-17.
• Prause, Louisa (2015): Wer nutzt Land „produktiv“? Framing in Protesten gegen land grabbing im Senegal, in: Bettina Engels, Melanie Müller & Rainer Öhlschläger (Eds.), Globale Krisen – Lokale Konflikte?, in: Soziale Bewegungen in Afrika, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 147-164.

Selected other publications
• Prause, Louisa (2022): Die nächste Landwirtschaftliche Revolution? Digitalisierung und Strukturwandel in der deutschen Landwirtschaft, in: Ungleiche ländliche Räume. Widersprüche, Konzepte und Perspektiven, Bernd Belina, Andreas Kallert, Mießner, Michael Matthias Naumann (eds.), 289-304. Bielefeld: Transkript.
• Prause, Louisa (2022): Globaler Landnutzungswandel und Zielkonflikte in der Bioökonomie, in: Gerhardt, P. Daldrup, J. and Eppler, E. (eds.) Bioökonomie im Lichte der Nachhaltigkeit. Tagungsdokumentation. BfN-Skripten 629. Bremen: Denkhaus Bremen e.V.
• Prause, Louisa (2021): Wenn Agrarkonzerne zu Datenkraken werden, in: Welternährung 10/2021.
• Engwicht, Nina, Hennings, Anne and Prause, Louisa (2019): Wie erforschen wir Konflikte? Herausforderungen ethischer Feldforschung im Kontext von Ressourcenkonflikten, in: CCS Working Papers Series. Zentrum für Konfliktforschung: Marburg.
• Prause, Louisa (2019): Mit Konzernklagen gegen den Umweltschutz, FactSheet, PowerShift e.V., Berlin.
• Prause, Louisa (2019: Kann Handelspolitik die Umwelt schützen? Die Nachhaltigkeitskapitel in EU Handelsverträgen, FactSheet, PowerShift e.V., Berlin.
• Prause, Louisa (2019): Regulatorische Kooperation in CETA. Gefahr für Umwelt und VerbraucherInnen? FactSheet, PowerShift e.V., Berlin (im Erscheinen).
• Prause, Louisa (2018): Land Grabs as ‘Shrinking Spaces’ for Civil Society? in: Resources & Conflicts, Blog by the working group “Nature, Resources, Conflicts” of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies (AFK).
• Prause, Louisa (2017): Book review – Eric van Grasdorff, Thea Kulla & Nicolai Röschert (Hg.): Thomas Sankara. Die Ideen sterben nicht! Berlin: Africavenir e.V. 2016, 268 Seiten, in: PERIPHERIE, Nr. 146/147, S. 365-367
• Prause, Louisa (2016): Struggling for land access: The success and failure of social movement actors’ framing strategies in conflicts over large-scale land transformations, in: GLOCON Working Paper Series, No. 3, Berlin.
• Prause, Louisa (2016): West Africa’s Golden Future? Conflicts around gold mining in Senegal. Natural Resources 02/2016, Dakar: Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation, West Africa.
• Hennins, Anne and Prause, Louisa (2015): Umkämpfte Natur, umstrittene Begriffe: Konflikte um großflächigen Landnutzungswandel, in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 4:1, 143-152.
• Hennings, Anne and Prause, Louisa (2015): Contested Nature: Conflicts on Large-Scale Land and Resource Deals, in: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 28: 1, 179-181.
• Mueller, Melanie and Prause, Louisa (2015): Weingartener Afrikagespräche „Globale Krisen – Lokale Konflikte“, in: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 28: 1, 175-178.

Dr. Louisa Prause

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Dr. Julia-Lena Reinermann

Position: Researcher in Residence

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors‘ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)


Researcher in Residence – Ethics of Care and Technologies in sustainability transformations


Research Interests

Sustainability Communication, Risk Communication, transformative Media, Sociotechnical Imaginaries, Environmental Technologies, Participative Technology Assesment, Sustainable Consumption


Work Experience and Education

Post-Doc (present), Chair of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences, Fernuniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany

Researcher (present), Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Oberhausen, Germany

 Researcher (2018-2020), Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen, Germany

Researcher (2011-2020), Urban Systems, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Dr. phil, Communiation Science, University Duisburg-Essen, Phd, Giving Trust – Social Emotions on sustainability festivals

Master of Arts (M.A.) Communication and Social Science, University Duisburg-Essen, Master’s thesis on Entertainment-Education, Sustainability and media users


Selected Publications

Reinermann, Julia-Lena; Kamlage, Jan-Hendrik, de Vries, Nicole; Schrey, Silvia; Oertel, Britta; Goerke, Ute (Hrsg.) (2022): Zukünfte nachhaltiger Bioökonomie Kommunikation und Partizipation in neuen Wirtschaftsformen. Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Bielefeld: transcript.

Fischer, Daniel; Reinermann, Julia-Lena; Georgina Guillen M.; C. Tyler Des-Roches Sonali Diddi; Philip J. Vergragt (2021). Sustainable Consumption Communication: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Journal of Cleaner Production. 300. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126880.

Kamlage, Jan-Hendrik; Drewing, Emily; Reinermann, Julia-Lena; Flores, Marissa, de Vries, Nicole (2020). Fighting fruitfully? Participation and conflict in the context of electricity grid extension in Germany. In: Utilies Policy 64. DOI: 10.1016/j.jup.2020.10102

Reinermann, Julia-Lena (2020): Kovacic, Zora; Strand; Roger; Völker, Thomas (2020).The Circular Economy in Europe. Critical Perspectives on Policies an Imaginaries. In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften 15(2), S. 53.

Dr. Julia-Lena Reinermann

Researcher in Residence

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Sonja Peteranderl

Position: Researcher & Journalist in Residence

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)


Researcher & Journalist in Residence – Eco Crime in Mexico and the Role of High-Tech


Research Interests

Organised Crime, Violence, Security, Eco and Climate Crimes, Forestry, New Technologies, AI, Criminal Innovation, OSINT


Work Experience and Education

Investigative Journalist with a Focus on Organised Crime, (Digital) Violence, Security and Technology, covering international Trends such as the global “War on Drugs”, Predictive Policing, Digital Violence in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence and Femicides, the Digital Transformation of Cartels in Mexico or the Arms Trade; Reporter for SWR Vollbild, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel or AlgorithmWatch

Founder of BuzzingCities Lab, a Think Tank focusing on Violence, Crime and the Impact of Technology; Founder of the OpenCrime initiative and The School of Conflict & Peace

Mediator – Multitrack Peace Mediation

Lecturer at the Hamburg Media School (HMS), Master Journalism – New Digital Investigations; Hochschule der Polizei des Landes Brandenburg (HPol), Bachelor & Master Criminology – Cybercrime

Active Member of the Global Diplomacy Lab, a Network for an innovative and more inclusive Diplomacy

Former Editor Technology Desk Der Spiegel, Editor Foreign Desk Der Spiegel; Foreign Correspondent Der Spiegel, based in Tijuana, Mexico; Senior Editor, WIRED Germany Magazine

Former Algorithmic Accountability Fellow/AlgorithmWatch – Automatization/AI in Policing and Prisons; Kellen Fellow/American Council on Germany – Predictive Policing in the U. S. and Germany; Digital Journalism Fellow – Hamburg Media School; Media Ambassador`s China – Germany/Robert Bosch Stiftung; Fellow/Otto-Brenner-Stiftung & Netzwerk Recherche – Black Market 2.0: The Digital Drug Trade; Research Fellow/German Academic Exchange Service DAAD – Argentina; Foreign Journalism Programme of the German National Academic Foundation/Besser Foundation; Journalismfund Europe – The Global Bombs Supermarket; Vocational Training Programme for the Highly Talented/Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Master of Arts (M.A.) Media and Communications Science, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich; Master Thesis: Leaking secrets, leaking blood: Narcoblogs as a Counter-Public Sphere in Mexico


Selected Publications


Monographs, Books and Studies

Abdul Rahman, Eirliani; D’Silva, Elsa Marie; Peteranderl, Sonja; Eds. (2021). The Demographic Dividend and the Power of Youth. Anthem Press. DOI:


Selected Book Chapters 

Peteranderl, Sonja; Jaroschewski, Julia (2023). Organisierte Kriminalität auf TikTok. In: Rüdiger, TG., Bayerl, P.S. (eds). Handbuch Cyberkriminologie 2. Cyberkriminologie – Theorien, Methoden, Erscheinungsformen. Springer VS. DOI:

Peteranderl, Sonja (2021). From Incarceration to Transformation: Ex-Gang Members as Actors of Change in Los Angeles. In: Abdul Rahman, Eirliani; D’Silva, Elsa Marie; Peteranderl, Sonja (eds). The Demographic Dividend and the Power of Youth. Anthem Press. DOI:

Jaroschewski, Julia; Peteranderl, Sonja (2020). Wired Drug War. Wie lateinamerikanische Gangs und Kartelle die Digitalisierung nutzen. In: Rüdiger, TG., Bayerl, P. (eds) Cyberkriminologie. Springer VS. DOI:

Peteranderl, Sonja (2020). Die Software als Rassist: Wie Journalismus Algorithmus-Missstände aufdecken kann. In: Weichert, Stephan; Daniel, Matthias (eds). Wie wir den Journalismus besser machen: 30 Essays für eine werteorientierte Digitalisierung. Vistas.


Other Publications

 Peteranderl, Sonja (2024). Wenn der Tod vom Himmel kommt. Die Zeit.

Peteranderl, Sonja (2023). The Automated Hunt for Cybergroomers. AlgorithmWatch.

Peteranderl, Sonja (2021). Umweltverbrechen. Wie Banden und Kartelle Mexikos Wälder plündern. Der Spiegel.

Peteranderl, Sonja (2021). Redistributing Mafia Assets The Palaces and Ruins of the Drug Bosses. Der Spiegel.

Abé, Nicola; Peteranderl, Sonja; Stöhr, Maria (2021). “Firmen beauftragen Mörder, um Umweltschützer töten zu lassen”. Der Spiegel.

Peteranderl, Sonja (2020). Wie Gangs und Kartelle der Krise trotzen. Der Spiegel.

Peteranderl, Sonja (2020). Lauschangriff auf Ökoverbrecher. Der Spiegel.

Peteranderl, Sonja (2020). Polizeigewalt in Lateinamerika. Tödliche Corona-Kontrollen.

Peteranderl, Sonja (2019). Digitale Polizeiarbeit in Los Angeles. Die Verbrecherjagd der Zukunft ist schon gescheitert. Der Spiegel.

Sonja Peteranderl

Researcher & Journalist in Residence

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Dr. Carlos A. López Morales

Position: Research Fellow

Center for Demographic,
Urban and Environmental Studies (CEDUA),
El Colegio de México, Mexico City



Research Interests

Environmental / Ecological Economic Valuation, Ecological Economics of Water and Agriculture, Industrial Ecology, Input-Output economics, Economic Theory

Work Experience and Education

Carlos, an ecological economist, is professor for urban studies  at El Colegio de Mexico’s CEDUA. Carlos’ recent research explores urban water with a modeling approach based on input-output economics linking the valuation mechanisms of price and cost to the physical dimension of infrastructure producing urban water, to the ecological conditions for sustainable use, and to the technological structure of the urban economy. Carlos’ teaching activities include courses in Ecological Economics, Political Economy, Political Ecology and Nature and Society, for both the masters and the doctorate programs on urban studies at CEDUA. Carlos’ collaboration with the BioMaterialities project is based on a socioeconomic analysis of different production technologies in agriculture. The analysis combines the methodologies of social accounting and social-LCA to understand the similarities and differences of agricultural technologies, not only in terms of the input structure and its ecological impacts, but also including an assessment on how communities are articulated through labor requirements and income generation.


Selected Publications

● Domínguez, J., and López-Morales, C. (2023). Agua y ciudades. El Colegio de México AC.
● López-Morales, C., Valdés-Ibarra, M and Dávila-Flores, A. 2023. “Sobre la distribución del ingreso en siete regiones mexicanas: un enfoque de contabilidad social”, En Schteingart, M., Salazar, C., & Sobrino, J. (2023). Desigualdades territoriales: Miradas Cruzadas. El Colegio de Mexico AC.
● Amaya, M., Baran, A., Lopez-Morales, C., & Little, J. C. (2021). A coupled hydrologic-economic modeling framework for scenario analysis. Frontiers in Water, 3, 681553.
● López-Morales, C (2019), Metabolismo y Sustentabilidad Urbana. En Zambrano, L. y Medina, S. (Eds), Las ciudades de México: retos para el desarrollo sostenible, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
● Cazcarro, I., López‐Morales, C. A., & Duchin, F. (2019). The global economic costs of substituting dietary protein from fish with meat, grains and legumes, and dairy. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 23(5), 1159-1171.
● López-Morales, C. A., & Rodríguez-Tapia, L. (2019). On the economic analysis of wastewater treatment and reuse for designing strategies for water sustainability: Lessons from the Mexico Valley Basin. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 140, 1-12.
● López-Morales, C. (2018), El estado del agua en Mexico, retos, oportunidades y perspectivas. En Pacheco-Vega, R., Taboada, F., y Denzin, C. (Eds), El agua en México. Actores, sectores y paradigmas para una transformación social-ecológica. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Proyecto Regional Transformación Social-Ecológica.

Dr. Carlos A. López Morales

Research Fellow

Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies (CEDUA), El Colegio...

Till Kümmelberger

Position: Student Assistant
Email: till.kuemmelberger.1(at)

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)


Research Interests

Political Economy, Bioeconomy, Social-Ecological Systems,  Land and Water Conflicts


• 2021 – present: Master of Science in Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
• 2018 – 2021: Bachelor of Science in Horticultural Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Till Kümmelberger

Student Assistant

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Federica Longi

Position: Student Assistant

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitors’ Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12)


Research Interests

Political Ecology, Feminist Theory, Bioeconomy, Eco Socialism, Ecological Economics, Public Policy



2015- 2019: Bachelor of Arts in Economics at San Diego State University
2021 – present: Master of Science in Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Federica Longi

Student Assistant

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt-Universität...

Lene Lorentz

Position: Student Assistant

Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
(Visitor’s address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12, Room 61)


Research Interests
Politics of food and agriculture; feminist theory; environmental conflicts; sustainability science; socio- ecological transformations; circular economics

Lene Lorentz

Student Assistant

Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Food Policy Group Humboldt...