- Publications
Article in Online Magazine: Saave, Brinckmann and Hackfort (2022)”Feministische Perspektiven auf die Bioökonomie”
by BioMatby BioMatAnna Saave, Carlotta Brinckmann and Sarah Hackfort write an article in the Online Magazine “MAKRONOM” on the topic of feminist perspectives on the bioeconomy. Link: https://makronom.de/feministische-perspektiven-auf-die-biooekonomie-42589#close-mobile-menu [source of picture: …
- Publications
Anna Saave (2022) Mit Self-Care wider die Wachstumskrise? Ambivalenzen der Selbstsorge in der Postwachstumsbewegung
by BioMatby BioMatAnna Saave writes an anthology contribution on the topic of “Caring Societies”. Citation: Saave, Anna (2022). „Mit Self-Care wider die Wachstumskrise? Ambivalenzen der Selbstsorge in der Postwachstumsbewegung“. In: Caring Societies – Sorgende …
Anna Saave writes a chapter in the “transform! yearbook 2022” on the topic of Ecofeminism. Citation: Saave, Anna (2022). „Ecofeminism Now“. In: Left Strategies for the Covid Pandemic and ist aftermath. …
- Publications
Louisa Prause (2022) Die nächste Landwirtschaftliche Revolution? Digitalisierung und Strukturwandel in der deutschen Landwirtschaft
by BioMatby BioMatLouisa Prause writes an anthology contribution on the digitization of agriculture in Germany. Citation: Prause, Louisa. 2022. Die nächste Landwirtschaftliche Revolution? Digitalisierung und Strukturwandel in der deutschen Landwirtschaft. In Ungleiche ländliche Räume. …
- Publications
Louisa Prause (2022) Globaler Landnutzungswandel und Zielkonflikte in der Bioökonomie
by BioMatby BioMatLouisa Prause writes a chapter on the topic of “Global Land Use Change and Conflicting Goals in the Bioeconomy” in the conference documentation of the Federal Office for Nature Conservation …
- Publications
Sarah Hackfort (2021) Patterns of Inequalities in Digital Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review
by BioMatby BioMatAbstract Digitalization of agriculture is often hailed as the next agricultural revolution. However, little is yet known about its social impacts and power effects. This review addresses this research gap …