For Journalist Magazine, Sonja Peteranderl, Researcher & Journalist in Residence in the Biomaterialities research group, analyzes how journalists tag e-waste, trees or clothing with trackers to prove abuses such as …
- Publications
Digitalization and diversity in agriculture: A greater focus on technologies for small and medium-sized farms
by BioMatby BioMatTill Kümmelberger, Sarah Hackfort and Mascha Gugganig have published an article in the newspaper Unabhängige Bauernstimme. The article is available at the following link: https://www.bauernstimme.de/news/details/digitalisierung-und-diversitaet-in-der-landwirtschaft
For Journalist Magazine, Sonja Peteranderl, Researcher & Journalist in Residence in the Biomaterialities research group, analyzes how open source intelligence tools (OSINT) such as satellite imagery can help uncover environmental …
- Publications
Extractivist valorization in industrial forestry in the Global North – Elements of an analytical framework and illustration for the cases of Finland and Alberta, Canada
by BioMatby BioMatJana Rebecca Holz and Anna Saave have published an article in Ecological Economics. Abstract This paper contributes to the political economic analysis of industrial forestry in the Global North (GN) …
- Publications
Algorithmic expert services: When expert values meet scalability thinking (pre-print)
by BioMatby BioMatCornelius Heimstädt and Maximilian Heimstädt have published a preprint of their article “Algorithmic Expert Services: When Expert Values Meet Scalability Thinking”. The final article will be published in spring 2025 …